Monday 5 August 2013

Heavy security presence jolts Kagera immigrants

As President Kikwete-set deadline looms, the situation is extremely tense in Kagera region. Peasants who have called Tanzania their home for over 50 years are wandering like chicken scared by eagle. Reports from border posts indicate that Uganda has barred some people of Rwandan origin from crossing their country into Rwanda. Border points are teaming with men, women and children, who have been scared from their homes. Armed policemen and members of Tanzania People's Defence Forces have been driving through villages, sending sock waves through peasant homes. Immigrants  in Kagera are from Rwandan, Ugandan and Burundi. Kikwete issued a two-week deadline for all of them to leave. he said he would unleash members of security forces to evict anyone who would be around come Saturday 10th August 2013. The move came after President Kagame apparents used abusive language against him.

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