Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Newspapers incite violence against citizens in Ngara

Tanzanians of Rwandan descent are a target of hate campaigns by a section of the country's private media. And it is turning bloody. Raia Mwema newspaper and Jamhuri are the major culprits.
in the aftermath of a report that appeared in raia Mwema newspaper alleging that pastoralists were not being affected by operation to kick immigrants out, two young men from pastoral community were speared to death in Ngara and 19 herds of cattle were seriously injured, killed and their meat eaten by the attackers. It is common now that whenever people of Ngara want meat, they simply invade a pastoral family and kill animals and any resisters. Jamhuri cheered the crime and reported the story that they were simply killed and their animals and meat taken as delicacy because immigration had refused to kick them out.
Raia Mwema meanwhile,has launched a campaign seeking to de-nationalize immigrants who received citizenship in 1980s, after leaning that their hate campaign was not even to have naturalized citizens kicked out. They published their story based on general anonymous sources, asking Kikwete to revoke their citizenships and kick them out emass.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Uharifu wa kutisha Ngara dhidi ya wafugaji

- Unachochewa na vyombo vya habari
-Wafugaji wanachangia elimu na kulipa kodi lakini hawathaminiwi
-Wanaitwa wahamiaji haramu wakati ni Watanzania
-Ubaguzi na apartheid lazima vikemewe
Kuna dhana iliyojengeka mkoani Kagera kuwa kila mtu mwenye asili ya Rwanda ni mhamiaji haramu na kila mtu mwenye sura ya Kitutsi ni mhamiaji haramu. Waingereza wanasema give a dog a bad name and hang it. Yaani mpe mbwa jina baya kisha mwuue. Hilo ndio linafanyika hasa katika wilaya ya Ngara mkoa wa Kagera kwani raia wema wanaitwa wahamiaji haramu kisha wanatendewa dhuluma kubwa, huku vyombo vya habari vikifanya kazi ya uchochezi.
Naandika makala hii baada ya kusoma makala kwenye Raia Mwema iliyoandikwa na Ezekiel Kamwaga (Raia Mwema Toleo namba 316, Sept. 18-24). Katika makala hiyo yenye kichwa cha habari: “Rafu uhamiaji haramu”, ametengeneza picha kuwa watu wa Kigoma wanaonewa, huku wahamiaji haramu kutoka Rwanda wakikingiwa kifua.
Habari hiyo imeandikwa maksudi kwani ya wana Kigoma imeandikwa vizuri bila ‘omission’, yaani kila kuacha kitu, mwandishi amefanya utafiti na kupata vielelezo. Kuhusu Mtanzania mwenye asili ya Rwanda kule Ngara, mwandishi hakujisumbua kutafuta vielelezo, amempa mtuhumiwa paragraph moja kukanusha ili kuonyesha kuwa haikuwa ya upande mmoja. Na kwa kutumia mfano wa mfugaji mmoja, akajumuisha kuwa watu wenye asili ya Rwanda wenye mali hawakuguswa, na kudai kuwa operation Kimbunga imewalenga vibarua na watu wa chini.
Kufuatia makala hii, huenda mfugaji huyu akavamiwa na watu wa Ngara na mifugo yake kukatwakatwa akituhumiwa kuwa mhamiaji haramu anayetoa rushwa kwa viongozi ili aishi kwa kuharibu mazingira, kuua tembo na kulisha kwenye mashamba ya watu, kama alivyotuhumiwa kwenye makala ya Kamwaga.
Kuna mifano hai ya namna vyombo vya habari vinavyochochea uhalifu Ngara. Tarehe 31 Mei mwaka 2011 Ngara kulitokea uhalifu wa kutisha uliosababisha vifo vya watu saba na kujeruhiwa vibaya ngo’mbe 400, ambao baadae walichinjwa na kuliwa na hao waliowajeruhi. Haya yote yalichochewa na vyombo vya habari.
Ngara kuna kundi la watu ambao ni wawindaji. Na kila walipokuwa wanawinda na kukosa mnyama, walikuwa wanapita mazizini na kuua ndama na kwenda nao kama nyama. Siku moja, mfugaji mmoja  katika pori la Rubagabaga kijiji cha Murbaga, tarafa ya Mursagamba wilayani Ngara akamwambia mchungaji wake kuwa akae zizini mchana na mtu yoyete atakayeua ndama apambane nae.
Ilikuwa mida ya saa tano hivi, na wawindaji wakapita na kuua ndama wawili. Yule mchungaji, ambaye ni mzaliwa wa Ngara, akawashambulia kwa mikuki na kuua wawindaji sita katika vita hiyo. Mmoja akakimbia na kuelekea vijijini.
Kesho yake ‘operation’ ikaanza. Wakulima wakaua kijana mmoja mfugaji kwa kutenganisha kichwa chake na kiwiliwili, wakajeruhi ng’ombe 400 ambao walikufa kwa maumivu na nyama yao kuliwa na wana vijiji.
Vyombo vya habari vikapamba vichwa vya habari: “Wafugaji haramu wawaua Watanzania Ngara”, “wahamiaji haramu wakingiwa kifua na watendaji serikalini” n.k.
Tangu wakati huo mpaka leo tumekuwa tukipata habari za upande mmoja kuonyesha kuwa wahamiaji haramu Wanyarwanda wameingia Tanzania na makundi makubwa ya ng’ombe na wanaishi kwa kutoa rushwa na kuvuruga maisha ya watu wa Ngara na kuharibu mazingira. Hali hii imewapa wakazi wa Ngara kiburi cha kufanya uharifu wanapojisikia, wanakatakata mifugo mara kwa mara, wanavamia mazizi na kuswaga mifugo.
Hali hii inaenea hata Karagwe na imetokea kata ya Nyakasimbi, wilaya ya Karagwe ambapo mwezi Mei mwaka huu mtu mmoja mwenye asili ya Rwanda alinunua ardhi na wana kijiji kisha akaizungushia uzio. Wanakijiji wakacharuka na kuingia zizini kwake na kuswaga mifugo, kufyeka migomba yake na kuharibu nyumba, huku wakimtuhumu kuwa mhamiaji haramu amevamia ardhi yao.
Kutokana na uhalifu huo, polisi mkoani kagera iliwakamata baadhi ya watu kwa wizi wa kutumia silaha, kwani waliiba mifugo wakiwa na silaha. Kilichofuatia, Mbunge akaitisha mkutano wa kijiji, wakamlalamikia, nae kwa kuwasikiliza wapiga kura wake, akamwomba waziri wa mambo ya Ndani Emmanuel Nchimbi aingilie kati.
Dr Nchimbi aliunda tume ambayo ilipendekeza RCO wa mkoa wa Kagera Peter Matagi afukuzwe kazi kwa kuwabambikizia kesi hao wahalifu walioingia zizini na silaha na kuswaga mifugo kinyume cha sheria.

Ukweli kuhusu wafugaji wa Ngara
Wafugaji walioko Ngara wametokea Muleba na karagwe, kwani kwa watu wanaoijua Rwanda, haina ardhi ya kutosha kufugia mifugo mingi. Kwa waliowahi kwenda huko bila shaka waliona kuwa kila familia ina ng’ombe mmoja wa kisasa, hakuna ardhi. Hivyo wanaosema mifugo inatoka Rwanda wanataka kueneza propaganda ya kupelekea watu kudhulumiwa.
Pili si kila mtu mwenye asili ya Rwanda ni mhamiaji haramu. Mwaka 1980, shirika la UNHCR na serikali ya Tanzania zilifanya makubaliano ya kuwapa uraia wakimbizi wa Kitutsi kutoka Rwanda. Maafisa Uhamiaji na UNHCR walipita kwenye makambi ya Muyenzi (Ngara), Kimuli (Karagwe) na Mwese (Rukwa) wakiandikisha wakimbizi. Zaidi ya wakimbizi 30,000 walipewa uraia wa Tanzania.
Sheria za uraia za mwaka 1962, 1972 na 1995 zinasema mtu akizaliwa na raia mmoja Mtanzania basi yeye ni Mtanzania. Kwahiyo Wanyarwanda waliozaliwa baada ya mwaka 80 wakati wazazi wao walishapewa uraia, ni raia, ni sawa na watu wenye asili ya Asia ambao wanaishi Dar es Salaam bila kubughudhiwa ni kwamba wazazi wao walipewa uraia zamani.
Mwandishi Kamwaga aliangukia kwenye mtego wa kuwaita Wanyarwanda wote wahamiaji haramu, labda angejaribu kumwomba yule ‘kigogo’ mfugaji cheti chake cha uraia, au hati yoyote ingesaidia kujua ukweli.
Lakini sikustaajabu kwani nia ya Kamwaga haikuwa kutafuta ukweli bali kueneza propaganda za watu wanaofaidika na dhuluma dhidi ya wafugaji na kusema kuwa watu wa asili ya Rwanda waliobaki walipaswa kuswagwa bila kujali kuwa ni raia.
ina uhakika asilimia 100 kuwa hao wafugaji waliopewa majina ya uhamiaji haramu, waharibifu wa mazingira na wauaji wa Tembo watashughiulikiwa na wanakijiji wa Ngara ambao wamejijengea utamaduni wa uharifu.
Na nimeshangaa kusoma kuwa wahamiaji haramu walioondoka ni vibarua tu. Mwandishi amekwepa kwa makusudi kusema yaliyowakuta wafugaji wa Ngara katika operation hii. Wengi wao walikamatwa na kupelekwa katika kituo cha polisi Benaco na mifugo yao kufungiwa kwenye mnada wa Kafuha.
Mifugo ilikaa Kafuha kwa siku nne bila maji na majani, baadhi ya ng’ombe wakatoroka na kuingia kwenye mashamba ya watu na jumla ya ng’ombe 80 walikatwakatwa miguu, na wengine kama 200 waliibwa na kupakiwa malori na kupelekwa Kahama huku wenye mali wakiwa rumande wanahojiwa.
Walioachiwa ni wenye vyeti vya uraia, wasio na vyeti waliswagwa. Na isingekuwa rahisi kutoa rushwa kwani operation inahusisha watendaji wa idara zote za ulinzi na usalama. Lakini haya hayakusemwa, bali Kamwaga anaimba kuwa wahamiaji haramu wenye pesa wameachwa. Tusubiri matokeo ya kalamu ya Kamwaga.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Cruerity to animals and people in Ngara

Immigrants with and without citizenship have been rounded up. Their herds of cattle have been rounded up and squeezed into Kafuha cattle market without grass and water for fourth day. It is pity, sad and chaos!

Friday, 23 August 2013

Wikileaks cable that smeared Mama Kikwete that she's Hutu is here

Viewing cable 05DARESSALAAM888, It's Kikwete: the CCM Party Chooses a

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Reference IDCreatedClassificationOrigin
05DARESSALAAM888 2005-05-05 13:53 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy Dar Es Salaam
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.

E.O. 12958: 5/5/15 
SUBJECT: It's Kikwete:  the CCM Party Chooses a 
Presidential Candidate 
Classified by Pol-Econ Chief Judy Buelow for reason 
REF: A) Dar es Salaam 855 B) Dar es Salaam 832, C) Dar 
es Salaam 732, D) Dar es Salaam 538 and previous 
1. (C) Summary: By a lopsided vote, the ruling CCM 
party chose the Foreign Minister Jakaye Mrisho Kikwete 
as its candidate for President.  While only the 1,800 
delegates to the CCM party Congress actually voted in 
the final round, the general public appears 
enthusiastic about the party's choice, and about 
Kikwete himself.  Kikwete has no significant 
opposition and is virtually guaranteed to win the 
Presidency in the general elections of October, 2005. 
Kikwete's election breaks with the tradition of 
alternating the Presidency between mainlanders and 
Zanzibaris.  The Party nominated Vice President Shein, 
who hails from Zanzibar, to stay on as Kikwete's 
running mate.  Charismatic and articulate, Kikwete is 
thought to be particularly popular among young people, 
but administration is not his strong suit.   End 
. . . and Then There was One 
2. (U) The top echelons of the CCM party converged on 
the remote capital of Dodoma for a week of nominating 
sessions.  On May 2, the 36-member Central Committee 
convened to choose five of the eleven declared 
presidential candidates to proceed to the next round: 
Kikwete, Prime Minister Sumaye, Nyerere Foundation 
President Salim Salim, Planning and Privatization 
Minister Kigoda, and Transportation Minister 
Mwandosya.  On the following day, the 200 members of 
the National Executive Committee (NEC) selected three 
finalists, eliminating Sumaye and Kigoda.  Finally, on 
May 4, an Extraordinary Congress of the CCM, nearly 
1,800 members strong, elected Kikwete. 
3. (U) Most CCM-watchers viewed Kikwete as the front 
runner.  Some factions in the party were nonetheless 
set against a Kikwete presidency.  Kikwete's high 
"negatives" among the CCM leadership fueled 
speculation that the Party Congress would deadlock and 
eventually settle for a compromise candidate.  (This 
was the scenario in 1995, when Kikwete garnered the 
most votes in the first round, but lost the Presidency 
to "dark horse" Benjamin Mkapa.)  In the 2005 
nomination, Kikwete won easily on the first ballot. 
The NEC gave him more votes than anybody else when 
choosing the three finalists.  Kikwete's majority in 
the Party Congress was overwhelming:  he received 
1,072 votes to Salim's 476 and Mwandosya's 122. 
Electoral Strategizing and Ticket Balancing 
4. (C) The party's choice of Kikwete seems to be 
popular with the general public.  While many of the 
Embassy's government contacts favored Salim, and other 
also-rans, Kikwete swept a highly unscientific sample 
of Embassy FSN staff, Tanzanian friends, and Party 
Congress participants.  Some interlocutors said noisy 
cheers broke out among friends and neighbors who had 
gathered around their televisions to hear the 
nomination announcement.  CCM dominance on the 
mainland is so strong, that it is difficult to imagine 
a scenario in which the party's nominee could lose the 
general election on October 30.  Kikwete is virtually 
guaranteed to become Tanzania's fourth president since 
5. (U) Kikwete's nomination broke with the informal 
tradition of alternating the Presidency between 
Mainland Christians and Zanzibari Muslims.  Although 
the tradition was never a constitutional requirement, 
Zanzibari party stalwarts may be put out about losing 
their "turn."  The party mollified Zanzibar somewhat 
by nominating Vice President Shein, who hails from 
Zanzibar's Pemba Island, to be Kikwete's running mate. 
Interestingly, the tradition of alternating Christian 
with Muslim remains intact:  Kikwete is a practicing 
Muslim, although he is considered moderate in his 
religious views. 
Kikwete's Biographical Notes 
6. (C) Kikwete represents the "young Turk" segment of 
the CCM party.  He is popular, politically adroit, 
charismatic and very ambitious.  In socially 
conservative Tanzania, however, Kikwete's relative 
youth - he is 55 - has worked against him.  So has his 
playboy reputation.  As the party has increasingly 
emphasized experience and education, Kikwete has a 
built an impressive resume.  Since 1995, Kikwete has 
been Foreign Minister and also the MP for Chalinze 
Constituency.  Previous government positions include 
Minister for Finance (1994-95), and Deputy Minister, 
then Minister for Energy, Minerals and Water (1990- 
94.)  For the twenty years before his government 
service, Kikwete served in various positions in the 
CCM party, and in its predecessor party, TANU. 
7. (U) Kikwete comes from the small town of Msogo, on 
the coast near Bagamoyo.  He has a BA in economics 
from the University of Dar es Salaam. 
8. (C) An able politician, Kikwete is a somewhat 
unenthusiastic administrator.  On Embassy row, his 
Foreign Ministry has a reputation for being 
understaffed and minimally responsive.  Kikwete 
himself is personable, and conveys the impression that 
he will at least consider the views of foreign 
diplomats.  Kikwete has signaled that he might discuss 
signing an Article 98 agreement with the US; the 
current President Benjamin Mkapa has firmly closed the 
door on any agreement for the remainder of his 
Presidency.   For years, observers of the Great Lakes 
conflicts have considered Kikwete to be virulently 
pro-Hutu.  Rumors that he was facilitating arms 
transfers to Burundian Hutu rebels persisted, but have 
never been substantiated.  Kikwete's marriage to a 
cousin of former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana 
may have fueled these rumors, which are now fading as 
the Burundi conflict winds down. 
9. (u) Please see Embassy Dar es Salaam's SPRNet site 
for a complete update and background on the Tanzanian 

Source of Mrs Kikwete's being labelled Hutu revealed

Rwanda was squarely attacked for uncovering a Wikileaks cable alleging that Mrs Kikwete is cousin of former Rwandan leader Juvenal Habyarimana as it was viewed as smear campaign. However, an anonymous writer, who seems to be conversant with Tanzanian politics, revealed on Jamii Forum, the country's most popular social media forum, that ruling CCM insiders were a genesis of calling Mrs kikwete a Hutu.
It is alleged that Kikwete's opponents way back in 2005 approached the US embassy, alleging that favourite candidate Kikwete was married to a Hutu, hence his pro-hutu stance in matters great lakes. This is extract from Jamii Forum post: "Pili ni taarifa za vyombo hivyo vya Rwanda kusema Mke wa Rais Mama Salma ni Mhutu,  Taarifa hii imelistua taifa na kuilazimu serikali kujibu tena kwa utulivu wa hali ya juu,  Binafsi nimesikitishwa sana kuona serikali inaamua kujibu taarifa hii ambayo kimsingi ilistahili kujibiwa kiplopaganda hivyohivyo na vyombo vyetu vya habari kwakuwa taarifa hii sio "ngeni" kabisa,  Kwa wale wasiojua nikuwa asili ya habari hii ya "Uhutu" wa mke wa rais wa Tanzania ni siasa za majita za 2005, Mtandao wa kijasu wa Wikileaks uliitoa habari hii tangu 2005 wakati wa harakati za uchaguzi wa Urais nchini Tanzania, ni Wanachama wa Chama cha Mapinduzi ndio waliopeleka habari hii huko wikileaks kupitia kambi zao za Uraia hasa kambi iliyokuwa ikiongozwa na Mwandosya,  Sasa vyombo vetu kwakuwa vimezoea propaganda za ndani yani za Chadema na CCM hivyo viliona kama habari ile ni mpya na yakustua sana havikujua hata cha kujibu,

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Media pour petrol in TZ-Rwanda fire

Tanzania media is angry and united against Rwanda. Mtanzania newspaper reported today that Rwanda is undermining Tanzania. It was a screaming headline which did not reflect the content but its intention was just to show how Rwanda is persistently sabotaging Tanzanian interests.
The story was about a meeting of transporters, where Uganda and Rwanda had expressed readiness to stop using Dar es Salaam Port in case Tanzania did not review tariffs and reduce roadblocks. Meanwhile Daily News castigated Rwanda's smear campaign for labeling the first lady a Hutu, they did not mention it was a Wikileaks revelation but Rwanda's intentional smear campaign occasioned by differences over FDLR. Rwandan media is also awash with stories that Tanzania is evicting its people without following the human rights procedures, according to New Times. Government-leaning journalists in Rwanda are also busy castigating Tanzania. Mwananchi newspaper meanwhile, reported that Tanzanians in border regions are relieved that immigrants are being kicked out because they had been filing suits against them. The paper said Wahamiaji Haram wafungua kesi 600. That haram immigrants filed 600 cases against locals.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

TZ, Rwanda Tensions worsen

According to New Times, Tanzania declined an invitation to send its officers for an EAC military course in Kigali. Tanzanian media are reporting an officer of Rwandan descent deserted with top secrets and vanished into Rwanda. he is alleged to be Lt-Col. Selumbo. Tanzania media also said Rwanda as a whole is smearing Kikwete family, when alleging that his wife is cousin of Habyarimana. All is not well, and neighbours are angry at each other. all stem from personalities of Kagame and Kikwete, two presidents who are the centre of the escalation. they have journalists who support them and instead of discussing the issues objectively, they are engaged in a smear campaign and incitement.